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Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.

Test Map Iframe

Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.

Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.

With Little Content Block

Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. 

Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.

With Buttons

Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.

Colored Blocks

Colored Block

Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.

More Block

Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.


Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.

With Drop Downs

Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.

With Graphic Button

Shank turkey picanha short ribs pork venison meatloaf pig landjaeger prosciutto porchetta swine. T-bone kevin shank sirloin pork spare ribs tongue boudin turkey jowl. Ground round pork chop tenderloin porchetta alcatra, pork belly filet mignon sausage boudin venison meatball. Landjaeger sirloin fatback, jerky tenderloin kevin salami biltong picanha pancetta. Beef rump bresaola swine, cupim corned beef pork chop fatback venison tri-tip turkey sausage chuck.

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Strip steak buffalo pastrami pig beef ribs. Tongue ground round drumstick pastrami pork shank venison rump bacon prosciutto ribeye frankfurter. Turkey shankle pig short loin venison biltong alcatra picanha boudin, pancetta cow prosciutto capicola. Landjaeger leberkas ground round bresaola cow shankle brisket tri-tip short ribs bacon chislic swine.


Strip steak buffalo pastrami pig beef ribs. Tongue ground round drumstick pastrami pork shank venison rump bacon prosciutto ribeye frankfurter. Turkey shankle pig short loin venison biltong alcatra picanha boudin, pancetta cow prosciutto capicola. Landjaeger leberkas ground round bresaola cow shankle brisket tri-tip short ribs bacon chislic swine. Strip steak buffalo pastrami pig beef ribs. Tongue ground round drumstick pastrami pork shank venison rump bacon prosciutto ribeye frankfurter. Turkey shankle pig short loin venison biltong alcatra picanha boudin, pancetta cow prosciutto capicola. Landjaeger leberkas ground round bresaola cow shankle brisket tri-tip short ribs bacon chislic swine.

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Massachusetts in Critical Drought: What It Means for Our Rivers and What You Can Do

November 26, 2024

OARS River Log | By Sarah Kwan, OARS’ Director of Communications & Development | Published November 26 2024     As of November 19, 2024, most of Massachusetts is under …

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NEW CLIMATE BILL for Massachusetts!—A Big Win for Our 3 Rivers, Watershed, and Future

November 25, 2024

OARS River Log | By Sarah Kwan, OARS’ Director of Communications & Development | Published November 25 2024   On November 14, 2024, Massachusetts took a landmark step toward a …

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52 Years of the Clean Water Act: Progress, Challenges, and the Path Forward

October 31, 2024

OARS River Log | By Isabel Ryen, OARS’ Community Engagement Coordinator—TerraCorps Service Member | Published October 31 2024     On October 18th, we celebrated 52 years of the Clean …

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Of all the ducks in the rivers actually do get wet.


Turtle eggs can be buried in one nest clutc


Canoe goers have been stopped and cited for menacing paddling

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Rowing our boat against the current, between wide meadows, we turn aside into the Assabeth. A more lovely stream than this, for a mile above its junction with the Concord, has never flowed on earth.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, American novelist and short story writer End Quote
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Thoreau read Wordsworth, Muir read Thoreau, Teddy Roosevelt read Muir, and you got national parks. It took a century for this to happen, for artistic values to percolate down to where honoring the relation of people's imagination to the land, or beauty, or to wild things, was issued in legislation.

Robert Hass, poet laureate of the United States End Quote
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OARS does critical work to understand long-term trends in the condition of our rivers and their tributaries. Working with volunteers, OARS collects sound scientific information that is essential to our municipalities and state agencies for determining resource management needs and methods, infrastructure investments, and permit limits. I'm proud to have earmarked funds annually in the state budget for this important work.

State Representative Kate Hogan, Stow End Quote
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