Wild & Scenic
Hero image photo credit: The Concord Bridge
In 1999, the US Congress designated 29 miles of our rivers as the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic Rivers (Sudbury: 16.6mi, Assabet: 4.4mi, Concord: 8mi). There are currently 228 rivers with this designation in the US, four of them in Massachusetts. Congress commits to providing funding every year to implement a River Conservation Plan.
The destination of a river as “Wild and Scenic” is a testament to its unique value, and it carries with it a responsibility to safeguard its wild and scenic qualities.
This Wild and Scenic logo shows our communities’ conscious commitment to the SuAsCo river system. It is a promise that these rivers will continue to flow freely and remain unspoiled for generations to come. It recognizes the irreplaceable value they bring to our environment and communities.

What is a Wild and Scenic River?

Benefits of Our Wild and Scenic SuAsCo Rivers

How the Wild and Scenic Designation Protects the SuAsCo Rivers

SuAsCo Wild and Scenic Community Involvement

Our watershed has over 160 dams. Many are old mill dams in disrepair and result in aquatic weed growth, flooding, warmer water, and degraded wildlife habitat. Learn more about our efforts to let our rivers run clean and free
Is crucial for protecting ecosystems and communities from the impacts of extreme weather and environmental changes
Centuries of strain on our rivers jeopardize water quality and flow, threatening our communities, wildlife, and water supply