Empowering Future Stewards: OARS Expands Water Wise Education with DCU for Kids Grant
November 01, 2024
OARS River Log | Published November 1 2024
OARS is delighted to announce that we were awarded a generous grant from the DCU for Kids Foundation this October to support the expansion of our education programs. For over 20 years, OARS has proudly partnered with the Hudson, Marlborough, and Framingham Boys and Girls Clubs to deliver our Water Wise Workshops as a summer enrichment program. This past summer, we extended our reach to Maynard, and with the arrival of our TerraCorps Youth Education Coordinator, Shelley Zuckerman, we are excited to expand our Water Wise programming to afterschool settings throughout our watershed in 2025.
In previous workshops, we have benefited from using an EnviroScape environmental education model borrowed from the Town of Lincoln. These models play a crucial role in teaching students of all ages about environmental stewardship and protecting our natural resources. Thanks to the generous support from DCU for Kids, we can now obtain our very own EnviroScape model, ensuring that we can effectively engage and educate even more young minds for years to come.
As we update and enhance our Water Wise curriculum, we are also preparing to recruit high school juniors and seniors to join us as youth educators. If you or someone you know would like to learn more about this opportunity or get involved, please visit our Water Wise Workshops After School Program for more information.