Water Chestnut App

Use our reporting App to share with us and other river users where you have seen or pulled water chestnut

Optimal Use of Our Water Chestnut App

Welcome to our Water Chestnut App! While the embedded version of the app below is fully functional and ready for you to use, we recommend opening the app in a separate tab for the best experience.


Why Use the Standalone App?

Enhanced Performance: Enjoy faster load times and smoother navigation

Full-Screen View: Access all features and information more efficiently with a full-screen display

Improved Interactivity: Experience better responsiveness and usability


Frequent User?

If you regularly use our Water Chestnut App, consider bookmarking the standalone app page for quick and easy access. This will ensure you always have the best experience at your fingertips.

Reporting App Instructions


  1. Zoom in on the map to the location where you have seen or pulled water chestnut and click once to drop a pin
  2. Select Report Type: “Water Chestnut—seen” or “Water Chestnut—Pulled”
  3. Enter your name and email so we can follow up with you if needed
  4. Estimate the number of rosettes you saw or that were left after your pull
  5. Enter the number of bushels (baskets) you collected
  6. Attach a photo if possible


Complete these steps either on-site near the river or once you return home

Reported Water Chestnut Sightings